Memories in Music

Telephone went on in my playlist and brought me back in time...

Memories are the most beautiful thing we have. To remember past times can be the sadest and happiest thing of a flashback. Smells helps you remember feelings. Music will make you to remember moments in life. I think the best music is music you can relate to. It don't always have to be the text, it can be the feeling you get when you listen. Telephone just went on in my playlist, and it makes me remember my last months in Holland as yesterday. A song by TATU start to play and I am fifteen again. If next one is new one, I will remember this moment in the future. I think the most valuable we have is our memories, it is our story. It is the only thing we safely bring with us everywhere we go.

The music library is on random...

Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce "Telephone"
- At D & M's place in Asten, hanging out during a good weekend, a nice evening at Heijligers is coming ahead.

TATU - Fifteen.

Akcent "Say My Name" - I am back at Kubke in Helden at a Sunday night...

Anouk "Lay it Down" - On the roads in Holland, going with my candy car somewhere...

Jazmine Sullivan "Bust Your Windows" - Packing for Hawaii, excited and full of expectations. Kept me fighting the first months.

Anna Bergendahl "This is My Life" Radio Remix- New one I havn't payed attention to before, I will keep listen to this one. New times ahead.

Agnes "On and On" - Old good times...

Chris Brown "Run It"
- Atleast six years ago, lets enjoy RNB and dancing. The four gang bang!

Lil Wayne "Lollipop" - Sterre's playlist is on and we are getting ready for a night out.

Anouk "If I Go" - On my way from Holland. Damn if you stop my dreams!

Rihanna "S&M" - Back 'Home-Home' during the last half year between Holland and Hawaii, hanging out with friends.

Shakira "Did It Again (Lo Hecho Esta Hecho)" - Let's listen over again... and again... and I still listen.

Chris Brown "Give me that" - The trip to China 2005

Esmee Denters "Sad Symphony" - New, good, chill out one. Will attach new memories to this one.
bbb b  
TATU "Dangerous" - My worries are huge. Fifteen and a really grown up teenager. Yeah, sure. Compared to my life today, I didn't even had worries to consider.

Christina Aguilera "Beautiful" - Around 2003-2004. Shall I go to the stable at 4 pm or 5 pm?

Youngbloodz "Imma Shine" - Out, running. Combat and dance exercising. High School 2-3 year. Step Up was IT!

Mel C " I Turn To You" - Wow, flashback! I am home alone, the song fill the whole upper level of our house. It's the best hour of the day. Waiting for mum to get home so we can go to the stable. A am free. It is 2002...


Paramore "Brick mr Boring Brick" - Exacly I year back. Time is standing still... Where am I going? Ten thousand ways to choose.


Cascada "Kids in America" - 2007, I am with my dad and brother at Branas Ski resort for snowboarding. Right now I am working on my WWII Pearl Harbor Scetch, if you know me - you know that scetch.


I can't manage me to stop...

Micheal Jackson... Back in 1997

Britney Spears... Summer 2004

Flo Rida "Low" - Here we Go! HRG Good Times.

Gwen Steffany "Rich Girl" - Bekymmerslösa tider. Hanging out with E.

Madonna "Blind" - No comments, not anymore, going to far, going blind...

My Own Type - Helt eget typsnitt!

The "Cillen Collection Type"

GO 4 • 16


Collection 4¤16 Star

Collection 4¤16
Star Sketches in Office Draw


Dark Lax and Turquoise Possitive

Dark Lax and Turquoise Negative

Lime And Turquoise Negative

Whenever it's so, Wherever you go

I'm searching for inspiration, without the soul.
I'm searching for the way, without the goal.

The power in ambition, will finish the mission.
Motivation in will and the compass stands still.

As a busy dock, and a quiet clock,
in the morning snooze, there is options to choose.

How to start over again?
Just like the rover train.
Never learn, never go, ever known.
Teach, collect, and be shown.

Print in bone and mark a zone.
Get done and be gone.

That's how to be the one.


(Fullmoon above the fields at Digns, Holland)

Do you have a BANANA onboard!

Racing at Kaneohe Yacht Club today! It was crazy. Normally the puppies Cal 20's are doing well, but they had only tried this one once beefore, in easy water. It was windy out there today. It started with the sails, it was constructed holes in the sails! Who make a sail with holes? The ideas was to make the wind go through and power the leech. Stupid! But it was what we had to go with. Next, I realize we didn't had any wind arrow or yarn in the sidetays to show the wind direction. Still in the dock we fixed it. On water our first issue was a stuck outhaul, we couldn't make it tight and the bubble in the main was a fact. Racing round one and lay on the jib was the first test. We hadn't any thing on that puppy to help us out. No white tape, no knife, no extra lines, no rudder extender, no sparpole, no tools... and we had forgot the watch to the start...

We broke the first of the three races and got a knife from the startboat. We managed to fix som struggle with the jib. Then, I realize how we could fix the outhaul with a peice of line from the jiblech. We got a stopwatch from L's other boat and we was set for the second race. By starting to early we went on the wrong piont of sail. It seemed to go well anyway, uptil we came close to the first buoy, then two blocks for the jibcheet on the port exploded. We had to break again. Surfing on run we remanage the jibcheets in other blocks. Time for a snack and I brought up my banana. "Do you have a BANANA onboard! That's why we are so struggled. Bananas are bad luck on boats. Never bring a banana onboard." Okay lets eat the banana and hope we are fine. I restarted the stopwatch and we was set, AGAIN! Cruisesailing up and down wating for our start flag. Then we hear L screaming FUCK from the stern. The rudder just broke! We had no steer and the wind powered the boat. "Let the jib go and cruise on the main." Finally, after crossing the whole course we got contact with a powerboat. We got the jib down and then the main. The powerboat picked us up and gave us ride to the dock. We was done. The litte puppy will need some good service before she are set to go out again.

Thanks to experienced sailors onboard with fighting spirit we was fine. I have learn to not bring bananas on boats, and some serious experience too. Since all three of us was in a good mood and stayed calm, I actually did enjoy the day. Well, I do have a story to tell...

Cal 20 "Puppies"


"The Cill - On Water"

Have you ever seen Spiders on Water?

This is your chance. She is a 60 feet trimaran, going easily in 40 knot. To watch her on video is cool, to see her live is undescribable. It became a lifetime memory. Do you want to see a spider queen on water?

The beauty of HiQ!

The Hour of the Wolf

“Far up in the north exists landscapes no one ever discovered. The deep forests make the air fresh and the high mountains hide beautiful valleys. The sky at night plays in colors and fairytales can come true. If you ever find a place like this, watch and learn. Be observed and walk carefully, though danger is waiting around next corner. In case you see a movement, look twice, but believe in what you saw the first time, you will only see it once. Myths are traveling, listen. The north hides secrets never told.”

Streams of moonlight are coming down through the firs. The forest is quiet and still. The only movement is a gray figure walking on a track. Every foot is smoothly settled down in the snow. It is four am in the morning and everyone are suppose to sleep, someone does not. Walking lonely, ideas and dreams comes and goes. A unique story makes a difference. The trace left behind, promotes someone’s existence. The sun rises. A lady with a big coat is heading to the track in the morning. She stops and let her eyes seek forward at the snow. What she sees is a trace of big paws, made by a restless figure, during the hour of the wolf.




Design is On

Since I am in a Creative Advertising Program I have started to learn about Graphic Design, and I did realize I have a drawing program on my computer.  So now on I won't just use my blog to write all stupid stuff coming up in my head, I will also post all crazy designs I do and some of the work from my creative classes. Enjoy and comment!

You See?





Be SpeCial



Design Updated

My design is already updated. Cleaner and CraZy'er.

Ny Signatur - Cillen!

In The House!

Future's Smaragd

Did you know that an owner of a Smaragd can set the future?

Swedish Pancakes with "Lingon Berry"

Söndagen var toppen med en förmiddag på shoppingcentrat i Ala Moana. Jag och A spenderade minst två timmar inne på Victoria Secret och spanade in de coolaste underkläderna. Vi bjöd oss själva pa var sitt nagelack fran OPI, jag blev lite galen och köpte ett turkosblått! Nagonstans blir man val undermedvetet paverkad av varmen...
Lunchade gjorde vi pa "The Orginal Pancake House" och de hade SVENSKA PANNKAKOR med LINGONSYLT! Jippiie! Min dag var räddad och jag längtar inte hem till Sverige alls.

Veckan har börjat och det är veckan innan lovet. Fullt upp med andra ord. Det är assignments, stort hemprov och en viktig presentation som ska avklaras. Beachen kommer få vanta tills helgen. Min volleybollsatsning har gått sådär senaste veckan. Jag har forsökt hårdträna (glimpten i ögat) med A hemma eftersom proffsen på stranden bara skrattar åt stackars mig... Jag kan inte hjälpa att ingen har lärt mig spela beachvolleyboll, jag kan åka snowboard, hallå jag KOMMER FRAN SVERIGE!

Nu har jag dagens näst sista lektion eftersom jag inte tänker stanna till halv sex ikväll för att läsa matte. Innan jag går vill jag upplysa alla som hörde om tuggummi-tricket for visslande kollegor pa radio i veckan, att tricket var från början min mammas ide! Stolt dotter boende på Hawaii missade detta men tycker E gjorde helt rätt som delade med sig av Textilgrossisents tuggummi-lösning!

Ny design på bloggen sedan helgen och jag funderar redan pa att byta tema, nästa kan bli klockrenast av dem alla!
Har du hört talas om SCillen

New Design

I have been going loose in my Open O. Drawing program and made a new, own layot for my blog. I am still not finished and there will always be changes. But Im pretty satisfied with my little wolf, what do you think?





My Own Logo Signatur

Mina Ord - Tsunamivarning Hawai'i

Telefonen till min kompis ringer. Jag ser hur ansiktsutrycket ändras under samtalet.
"Jordbävning som uppmätt 8.9 och tsunamivarning utfärdad."
Jag kontakter en av mina roomies som bekräftar.
"Men så länge du inte hör någon larmande siren så är du okej."
En kvart senare går sirenen.

Den magkänslan är obeskrivlig. Ovissheten innan man får information som gör situationen allvarlig. Paniken som uppstår runt omkring.

Nu är natten över, denna gången var det lugnt. Tack och lov. Men känslan sitter kvar.

Idag skänker jag en tanke till Japan och alla de som bor där. Katastofen är obegriplig och efter nattens tsunamivarningar på Hawaii känns verkligheten väldigt nära. Hawaii är okej just nu, men vi hade stigningar av vatten längs kusterna inatt.

Min japanska rumskompis har sin familj i säkerhet men väntar fortfarande på svar från vänner i de drabbade områdena. Jag hoppas för hennes skull att de är okej och känner medlidande för vad hon går igenom just nu.

Världen är en oförutsägbar plats och redan efter två månader på andra sidan jorden förstår jag hur trygga vi är uppe i den skandinaviska Norden. Det var en nyttig erfarenhet att få se vad som händer med ett samhälle som larmas officielt och evakueras. Denna gången hade vi tur och de enda skadorna på Hawaii är ytterst få matriella skador.

Jag hoppas Japan tar sig ur krisen och så småningom blir återställt. Jag personligen kommer ta med mig de erfarenheter jag fick inatt och kommer komma ihåg hur det känns när larmet går.

Listen to Mother Nature, keep in mind what she is up for.

Polar Plunge!

Today was crazy at the Polar Plunge event! We plunge in a pool of ICE! You can't imagine how cold that was, especially as I was the last one up. But we did it for a good sake, Team Akamai have raised over 600 dollar for Special Olympics Hawai'i! Thanks Team Akamai (HPU advertising agency) for a crazy day!

The girls from Team Akamai plunging!

Without a trace




Bounce, the walls vibrates. Bounce, someone hit the floor. Bounce, rytm goes on up again. Bounce, a girl is in. Bounce, the moves are crazy. Bounce, she takes the battle. Bounce, the club is pumpning. Bounce, the floor is free. Bounce, are you up for it? Bounce...

Even when life is perfect you miss a spot, what have you forgot?

Money will make your living, but not your life. So what makes your life? Things that you prefer in front of other stuff, makes you look like you. What norms you find important makes you to be you. What you do in life will affect your experiences, and how you deal with it will tell who you are. The people around you will reflect your mood, so be in a good one. It is your friends and family that will make you feel valuable, make sure you make them feel important too. Stuff can make your life simple, but if they are easily found they will be easily gone. In the end, you only have your life story, so make sure you live a good one.

Once in a bar, I read a sign saying:

"Keep smiling, it makes people confused."

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