The Hour of the Wolf

“Far up in the north exists landscapes no one ever discovered. The deep forests make the air fresh and the high mountains hide beautiful valleys. The sky at night plays in colors and fairytales can come true. If you ever find a place like this, watch and learn. Be observed and walk carefully, though danger is waiting around next corner. In case you see a movement, look twice, but believe in what you saw the first time, you will only see it once. Myths are traveling, listen. The north hides secrets never told.”

Streams of moonlight are coming down through the firs. The forest is quiet and still. The only movement is a gray figure walking on a track. Every foot is smoothly settled down in the snow. It is four am in the morning and everyone are suppose to sleep, someone does not. Walking lonely, ideas and dreams comes and goes. A unique story makes a difference. The trace left behind, promotes someone’s existence. The sun rises. A lady with a big coat is heading to the track in the morning. She stops and let her eyes seek forward at the snow. What she sees is a trace of big paws, made by a restless figure, during the hour of the wolf.





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