The one with an own hour

Streams of moonlight are coming down through the firs. The forest is quiet and still. The only movement is a gray shadow trotting on a track. Every paw is smoothely settled down in the snow. A night is keeping a secret in the silence.

"When life is turning... we never know where it takes us. Sometimes, the best thing is to let it turn. When the small turns come, make sure you keep focus on your goal to not loose your track. When the big turns come, make sure you know who you are, to not loose yourself. Whatever happens, bring your best result out of it. "

We meet new people all the time. Some of them will just be for the moment, others will stay for a lifetime. Sometimes people come into our lives when we need them the most. They stay as long as we need them, then they will be gone. The important thing is to listen and be open for a new reflection when they are here. Everyone have something to teach, just learn to listen. Keep everything, but don't trust all of it. Choose what makes sense and reflect on it. The knowledge we don't need for the moment, we might have use for in the future. Be alert to the surrounding and pay attention to chances.

Set a goal and choose track.

En Dans pa Rosor

Ett vanligt dygn i mitt liv ar upp vid 6-7 pa morgonen. Mellan 1-4 lektioner som bara gar ut pa att lareren berattar vad som ska goras hemma till nasta gang.  Darfor har jag runt 1 - 3 assignments/essays eller laslaxor per dag. Jag har ett flertal haltimmar som vanligtvis spenderas i datalabbet for att skriva uppsatser. Hemma mellan 16-20 pa em. Sista assignmenten skrivs, alternativt ar det sidor som ska lasas. I sang innan tolv om det ar en bra dag, langt efter tolv om det ar en dalig. Sa fort jag har en timme over sa behover jag jobba mattelab online. Inte nog med det sa kranglar garna datorer, allt ar pa engelska och temeraturen ar sa bakvand att jag dras med en jobbig forkylning sen tre veckor tillbaka. Om jag vill halla humoret pa topp och ga ut en lordagkvall ska jag lyckas vara utvilad till helgen. Sure. Sol och 25 grader varmt, om det vore livet...

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