Power in Strides
When life puts you where you don't wanna be
Why is difficult to understand
When you don't let time command
Looking forward to the future may be a tricky call
When the past have been a fun squall
To take a step you don't wanna take
Might be a huge mistake
But you gotta dare to go
For something else to show
Answers will appear
When you are ready to hear
A feeling for rush can be strong
Your low attention will make you wrong
Time will be on your side
If you wisely use the tide
So don't look back
When you know your track
Pack your load
And hit the road
Make sure you continue your journey
Even through battle and tourney
No matter how you started
If your will is well hearted
Cecilia E. Jansson

Earlier published

Spinning Compass
Whenever it's so, Wherever you go
Who is Time?
Time goes around in different wheels. We call it hours, days, weeks, months, years, generations and lives. We are in charge of our owns, but we can affect others. Past time can never come back (unless you are not flying west). A lost night sleep is lost, a lost hour at day is never there again. This time gives us experience, so the hours are never lost as long as we remember them. Whatever you do, whenever you do, never regret. Learn. Correct misstakes and make it right. Use time as the field for development. See time as a never ending story of chances. Make time a value of life. Don't let time make you hurry. Let time give you time.
Time is not money. Everyone have time, but we all have different amount of money. What we do is money. We all do different things. Time is your life. We all have life. Make your time of life valuable to you.

Make it Happen
The Meeting

Just Be Free
Just be free

4. 16 "Den" Collection
Second scetches
Post M


First scetch in 4. 16 "Den" Collection is posted March 16 "Design Is On"
Verkligheten är vad man gör den till, men ibland kan man inte påverka vad som händer.
Man kan styra händelser med aktiva val, men man kan inte förutse verkligheten.

Hur skulle din livsros se ut?

The Digital Puzzle
This is my result.

By Cillen 4.16 Design

Memories in Music
Memories are the most beautiful thing we have. To remember past times can be the sadest and happiest thing of a flashback. Smells helps you remember feelings. Music will make you to remember moments in life. I think the best music is music you can relate to. It don't always have to be the text, it can be the feeling you get when you listen. Telephone just went on in my playlist, and it makes me remember my last months in Holland as yesterday. A song by TATU start to play and I am fifteen again. If next one is new one, I will remember this moment in the future. I think the most valuable we have is our memories, it is our story. It is the only thing we safely bring with us everywhere we go.
The music library is on random...
Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce "Telephone" - At D & M's place in Asten, hanging out during a good weekend, a nice evening at Heijligers is coming ahead.
TATU - Fifteen.
Akcent "Say My Name" - I am back at Kubke in Helden at a Sunday night...
Anouk "Lay it Down" - On the roads in Holland, going with my candy car somewhere...
Jazmine Sullivan "Bust Your Windows" - Packing for Hawaii, excited and full of expectations. Kept me fighting the first months.
Anna Bergendahl "This is My Life" Radio Remix- New one I havn't payed attention to before, I will keep listen to this one. New times ahead.
Agnes "On and On" - Old good times...
Chris Brown "Run It" - Atleast six years ago, lets enjoy RNB and dancing. The four gang bang!
Lil Wayne "Lollipop" - Sterre's playlist is on and we are getting ready for a night out.
Anouk "If I Go" - On my way from Holland. Damn if you stop my dreams!
Rihanna "S&M" - Back 'Home-Home' during the last half year between Holland and Hawaii, hanging out with friends.
Shakira "Did It Again (Lo Hecho Esta Hecho)" - Let's listen over again... and again... and I still listen.
Chris Brown "Give me that" - The trip to China 2005
Esmee Denters "Sad Symphony" - New, good, chill out one. Will attach new memories to this one.
bbb b
TATU "Dangerous" - My worries are huge. Fifteen and a really grown up teenager. Yeah, sure. Compared to my life today, I didn't even had worries to consider.
Christina Aguilera "Beautiful" - Around 2003-2004. Shall I go to the stable at 4 pm or 5 pm?
Youngbloodz "Imma Shine" - Out, running. Combat and dance exercising. High School 2-3 year. Step Up was IT!
Mel C " I Turn To You" - Wow, flashback! I am home alone, the song fill the whole upper level of our house. It's the best hour of the day. Waiting for mum to get home so we can go to the stable. A am free. It is 2002...
Paramore "Brick mr Boring Brick" - Exacly I year back. Time is standing still... Where am I going? Ten thousand ways to choose.
Cascada "Kids in America" - 2007, I am with my dad and brother at Branas Ski resort for snowboarding. Right now I am working on my WWII Pearl Harbor Scetch, if you know me - you know that scetch.
I can't manage me to stop...
Micheal Jackson... Back in 1997
Britney Spears... Summer 2004
Flo Rida "Low" - Here we Go! HRG Good Times.
Gwen Steffany "Rich Girl" - Bekymmerslösa tider. Hanging out with E.
Madonna "Blind" - No comments, not anymore, going to far, going blind...
My Own Type - Helt eget typsnitt!
GO 4 • 16

Collection 4¤16 Star
Whenever it's so, Wherever you go

I'm searching for the way, without the goal.
The power in ambition, will finish the mission.
Motivation in will and the compass stands still.
As a busy dock, and a quiet clock,
in the morning snooze, there is options to choose.
How to start over again?
Just like the rover train.
Never learn, never go, ever known.
Teach, collect, and be shown.
Print in bone and mark a zone.
Get done and be gone.
That's how to be the one.

(Fullmoon above the fields at Digns, Holland)
Do you have a BANANA onboard!
We broke the first of the three races and got a knife from the startboat. We managed to fix som struggle with the jib. Then, I realize how we could fix the outhaul with a peice of line from the jiblech. We got a stopwatch from L's other boat and we was set for the second race. By starting to early we went on the wrong piont of sail. It seemed to go well anyway, uptil we came close to the first buoy, then two blocks for the jibcheet on the port exploded. We had to break again. Surfing on run we remanage the jibcheets in other blocks. Time for a snack and I brought up my banana. "Do you have a BANANA onboard! That's why we are so struggled. Bananas are bad luck on boats. Never bring a banana onboard." Okay lets eat the banana and hope we are fine. I restarted the stopwatch and we was set, AGAIN! Cruisesailing up and down wating for our start flag. Then we hear L screaming FUCK from the stern. The rudder just broke! We had no steer and the wind powered the boat. "Let the jib go and cruise on the main." Finally, after crossing the whole course we got contact with a powerboat. We got the jib down and then the main. The powerboat picked us up and gave us ride to the dock. We was done. The litte puppy will need some good service before she are set to go out again.
Thanks to experienced sailors onboard with fighting spirit we was fine. I have learn to not bring bananas on boats, and some serious experience too. Since all three of us was in a good mood and stayed calm, I actually did enjoy the day. Well, I do have a story to tell...

"The Cill - On Water"
Have you ever seen Spiders on Water?
The beauty of HiQ!
The Hour of the Wolf
“Far up in the north exists landscapes no one ever discovered. The deep forests make the air fresh and the high mountains hide beautiful valleys. The sky at night plays in colors and fairytales can come true. If you ever find a place like this, watch and learn. Be observed and walk carefully, though danger is waiting around next corner. In case you see a movement, look twice, but believe in what you saw the first time, you will only see it once. Myths are traveling, listen. The north hides secrets never told.”
Streams of moonlight are coming down through the firs. The forest is quiet and still. The only movement is a gray figure walking on a track. Every foot is smoothly settled down in the snow. It is four am in the morning and everyone are suppose to sleep, someone does not. Walking lonely, ideas and dreams comes and goes. A unique story makes a difference. The trace left behind, promotes someone’s existence. The sun rises. A lady with a big coat is heading to the track in the morning. She stops and let her eyes seek forward at the snow. What she sees is a trace of big paws, made by a restless figure, during the hour of the wolf.
Design is On
You See?
Be SpeCial
Design Updated

Ny Signatur - Cillen!